Jen Collee – CV
1999 BA [Hons] Fine Art: Painting, First in Historical and Critical Studies, GSA
1992 BTEC National Diploma in Fine Art Leeds, Metropolitan University
1985 Aberdeen University, BSC [Hons] Pure Science
Awards & Prizes
1998 Historical and Critical Studies Prize
Dissertation “Beyond The Word” First Class, Glasgow School of Art
1996 Robin C Rennie Memorial Prize, Glasgow School of Art
1995 Royal High School Endowment Trust Scheme Post Graduate Scholarship
2014 “Dreaming” Solo exhibition Flaubert GAllery
2013 “Wild Rhythms” Solo Exhibition Flaubert Gallery
2012 Scottish Society of Artists [SSA] open exhibition National Gallery
2011 VAS National Gallery, Solo Exhibition Flaubert Gallery, Edinburgh
2010 “Rhythm Not Rhyme”Solo Exhibition Flaubert Gallery, Edinburgh
2009 Solo Exhibition Flaubert Gallery, WASP Studios Open Exhibiton
2008 Solo Exhibition at Flaubert Gallery Edinburgh London Affordable Art Fair
Harestanes Group Exhibition
2007 Visual Arts Scotland (VAS), Royal Scottish Academy
London Affordable Art Fair, Harestanes Open exhibition with Mainhill Gallery
2006 VAS, Royal Scottish AcademyLondon Affordable Art Fair
2005 Art London, Mainhill Gallery
London Affordable Art Fair
Edinburgh Festival Exhibition with the Mainhill Gallery
2004 London Affordable Art Fair, Mainhill Gallery
Glasgow Art Fair
Edinburgh Festival Exhibition with the Mainhill Gallery
2003 Glasgow Art Fair, Edinburgh Festival,
Affordable Art Fair, London with the Mainhill Gallery
2002 Glasgow Art Fair, Edinburgh Festival,
Affordable Art Fair, London with the Mainhill Gallery
2001 Glasgow Art Fair, The Edinburgh Festival, Affordable Art Fair, London
2000 Visual Arts Scotland (VAS), The Royal Scottish Academy
1998 “A Collection of Artists Books”, Waterstons, Glasgow
1997 RSA Student Exhibition, Edinburgh